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Welcome to the Beta Gamma Chapter of Gamma Sigma Sigma’s website! GSS is a National Service Sorority Inc. that was founded in 1952. We work as a community to build lasting relationships and sustainable change. Whether it is unity events like going pumpkin picking or dancing the night away at formal, you can find a family in the heart of Newark. As an organization, diversity and inclusion is essential for our success. The executive board and current members raise funds, start important conversations, and are a shoulder whenever you need them. Gamma Sigma Sigma gives the opportunity to lead in your community and show the efforts compassion and friendship make in everyday life. 


If you are interested in joining Gamma Sigma Sigma or learning more, please contact our membership team at: If you have any other questions, interest in collaborating, or feedback regarding our organization, please contact me via email: I am here to chat and help you in any way you need! 


Gamma Love Always, 

Gia Reilly. 

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